Our Cribbage Games
traditional cribbage Traditional Cribbage
kings cribbage Kings Cribbage
crash cribbage Crash Cribbage
crosscribb CrossCribb®
cribbage baseball Cribbage Baseball
crib with jokers Crib with Jokers
lowball Lowball Cribbage
back up 10 Back Up 10 Cribbage
toss fives Toss Fives Cribbage
manual count Manual Count Crib
crib with muggins Crib with Muggins
team crib Team Cribbage
halscrib Play HAL Robots
age of conquest  Age of Conquest


Please make sure you are running the latest version of java. You can get it Here.

Below are some answers to common questions about playing eCribbage Online.

Q. When i log in, it says "The server is down!", What do I do?
A. There could be 2 causes for this.
#1. I may be updating the software so I have taken the server down.
Don't worry, it will be back up shortly.
#2. If you consistently see this message everytime, your network could be behind
a firewall that doesn't let you connect to the game.
You will have to use a different network.

Q. I try and log in but it says the server is running version "x" and I am using version "y"! What do I do?
A. You will need to refresh the main page. Go to the main home page, right click in the page and choose refresh/reload page.
Then press the play button again. It should load up the new version "x".

Q. When i click play, I see Http error, 404 Not found. What's going on?
A. I have put up a new version. Make sure and refresh your main page and try the play button again.

Q. The game doesn't fit on my screen correctly, what can I do?
A. eCribbage requires at least a screen resolution of 1024*768.
To set your screen up properly, click here.

Q. My game just sits there and I see "Waiting for Data..", what can I do?
A. You or your partner may have lost your internet connection,
exit your game, go to the lounge and resume your saved game under
the saved game tab.

Q. The game is freezing up, what can I do?
A. This is possible on older computers that are low on memory.
If this happens, press the X button and close your whole window.
Then come back on from "Play Now" on the website.

Q. I am using a Mac computer and I see some problems, what can I do?
A. I plan to fix Mac specific problems ASAP.

Q. My game sound has problems, what can I do?
A. This appears to be a bug in Java, but I am trying to fix it ASAP.

If your issue was not found here, please report the problem.